Do you like writing notes by hand? I certainly do! There are studies that prove that writing things down actually helps us remember them in the long term. Jotting yourself a note on a Post-It can really help jog your memory! However, in the digital age, things have gotten a bit more complicated. Now that our schedules are on our phones and computers, using paper to take notes isn’t as popular as it used to be. It may seem like the era of old fashioned note-taking is coming to an end.

Luckily for us, Post-It and Evernote have come up with a great solution! Now, you can download the Evernote app on your phone and digitally save every Post-It note you write! Just take a picture of the note, and Evernote will save a clear copy onto the app, allowing you to check your notes without sifting through piles and piles of paper! Now if that’s not exciting, I don’t know what is!

Check out the Post-It and Evernote websites for more information, and see how people have used the Evernote Post-It app to improve their lives!